& SUCCESS in Your Spa Business
My mission is to help spa owners create an abundant business, that allows them to live out their deepest dreams.
With a successful spa that runs on autopilot, your stress, worries, and fears take a backseat. You thrive on a personal level and can focus on life's true gems: family, relaxation, and bliss.
Use my guidance to avoid all of the mistakes I made in my 10 year spa career, & start from an empowered and prosperous place today!
Mimmick my blueprint & experience The Starlight Effect: monetary flow & profit, successful branding, & a team to run it all.

1 on 1 Coaching
Dive into an 8 week business accelerator immersion and step away with the exact blueprint that allowed me to scale Starlight Med Spa to a multi-million dollar business.

Business Accelerator Retreats
Join me and other spa owners in a deep-dive business accelerator program, taking place at luxury resorts around the world. Come home an improved version of yourself, and reap the financial gains of self-improvement.

Live Events
Gain inspiration and tactics to skyrocket your business to success, by attending an in-person event!
Hi, I'm Kaye
I've worked in the medical aesthetics industry for 15 years & have owned and operated STARLIGHT MED SPA for 10.
In this time I've grown the company from $0-7 Figures, launched my own product line, opened a 2nd Starlight location, won 10+ business awards, and created a successful brand with the "it factor".
Sounds amazing right? What people don't see are the common experiences that entreprenurs carry.
These achievements came along with sleepless nights, close-call encounters with bankruptcy, tension, stress, and fear.
Finally discovering the exact blueprint that allowed me to step away from the crippling and common business-owner problems and into true bliss and abundance, propelled me to the next phase of my career.
I made it, and I'm here to help you make it too as your guiding coach!

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